Theatre Work




Dyke Drama

A late coming-of-age coming out comedy, Dyke Drama follows the stories of four people in their late 20s - Alex, Steph, Jo and Rachel - as they come out, start to date, and come of age in the queer world. The play pokes fun at queer stereotypes, referencing cultural touch points and what it means to come out when you’re nearly thirty and grew up under Section 28. Meeting at a poetry reading, our four protagonists learn sometimes ridiculous, sometimes painful lessons about the queer experience. They date, have their hearts broken, and through it all, become each others chosen family.

Dyke Drama was long-listed for the BOLD Playwrights prize 2024.


The Marriage of Figaro

For Jericho Youth Opera, I re-wrote the recitative from Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro as dialogue to modernise some elements of the plot, as well as to shorten the opera for the company.

The brief was to convey the plot, retaining the comedy, and update the setting. We set the piece at the end of the wedding day, with two narrators (Susanna’s wedding planners) talking back through the ridiculous events of the day.

The opera was performed in April 2024 in St Barnabas Church, Oxford to a sold-out audience.


Other Theatre Work


Having trained in Lighting Design at Central School of Speech and Drama, I have worked as a lighting designer, technician and programmer since 2009.

From 2016-2021 I was Deputy Head of Lighting at the Young Vic theatre, where I worked on numerous plays, musicals, and community shows.

In 2017 I attained my masters degree in the science of Light and Lighting from UCL, focussing on the theatricality of museum lighting, and how it impacts the experience of viewers of exhibits.